- In this quest, you gather ingredients for the chef at Lumbridge Castle
- Talk to the cook in kitchen. He requests three items: An egg, a bucket of milk, and some
- The egg is in the chicken farm to the north - east of Lumbridge.
- Milk: Use a bucket on a cow to get milk.
Bucket you can buy in General Shop or find in Chicken Farm house
- Flour: Go to the windmill with wheat from
one of the fields (near the egg farm) and bring one POT with you. At the top of the windmill is
a hopper. Use the
wheat on the hopper, then operate the hopper. Go downstairs and use the pot on the flour.
- Take all three ingredients to the chef and talk to him to finish the quest.
Reward: 1 quest point, cooking skill (+3[level 1-4]) and you have access to range in Lumbridge castle kitchen (additional
cooking skill bonus when cooking there)