On this page,im going to list the names of characters that have tried to scam other people,have used racial of terroristic
words,or have just been a pain to many people on Runescape.If you think I have falseley added your name to my list,or
you would like to add a name,contact me in the "contact me" section of this website.
1.Lord Xeen
Reason:This character used racial expressions,and I don't think that is appropriate in reality or in Runescape.
2.Osama is god
Reason:His name basically says it all,he kept saying "America sux,"and that is WAY inappropriate!
3.Jesus sux
Reason:Since I'm a christian,this person REALLY offended me,I hope someone kills him in the wilderness.He kept saying
that he was a "satinist" and that he hated god.He also kept repeating his name.
4.Dark Frost (Please note there are two spaces in his name)
Reason:He also kept saying that he worshipped Osama Bin Laden,and he deserves to die in the wilderness.
5.mith blad
Reason:This person makes friends with you and then when you trust him he takes your stuff and he also uses
profanity at you.