Start: To start this quest you must have access to Champions Guild and you have to talk with Guildmaster
this will lead to many riddles, mazes and final battle with deadly Green Dragon.
- Start - Talk to the Guildmaster in the Champions Guild and ask about Rune Plate.
- Oziach - He is located west of Edgeville(Ghost Town), and gives you the Maze key to Melzar Maze. He also tells about the
shield and other two pieces.
- - 3 pieces of map leading to Crandor Isle-
- Map 1 (combat test) in Melzar Maze- You must collect keys from each enemy you meet, only one drops the key.
- Red Key - Rat(lvl 13) That respawns in the South Western most corner, and the door to use is the North Western most one.
- Orange Key - Ghost(lvl 25) that respawns South West of the latter, and the door is the one directly North of the spot
on the opposite side of the railing to the latter.
- Yellow key - Skeleton(lvl 31) the respawns the most South, and the door is all the way to the South West.
- Blue Key - Southern most Zombie(lvl 32), northern most door.
- Magenta Key - Melzar the mad(lvl 45) drops this automatically and use it on the north door.
- Black Key - Lesser Demon(lvl 79) drops the key automatically and use the door on the north wall then open the chest for
your map piece.
- Map 2 (game knowledge) and Oricales Puzzle-You are told by the oracle that you need to have in your inventory;
- location or room - the room with the map is in the dwarf mine off of the route to the scorpions
- small crustation cage - Lobster pot - Buy from Fishing Store at Port.
- bowl that has not seen fire - Unfired bowl - Make from soft clay on potters wheel.
- worm string changed to sheet - Sheet of silk - Buy from Silk trader in Al Kharid.
- drink of the mage - Wizard mind bomb - Buy from bar in Falador.
- Map 3 (intelligence test) - Goblin in jail at port drops it, must use magic or ranged to kill it and You need Telekinetic
grab to get it.
- Protection - Anti Dragon Breath Shield - Oziach Tells you the Duke of Lumbridge Castle has one. Talk to the Duke on the
second floor of the castle to receive this. Without this you will get hit for 60 damage a breath, this mean very short fight.
- Lady Lumbridge - To repair Lady Lumbridge you will need 3 planks and 12 nails (nails are made by lvl 34 smithers from
steel bars[2 nails per bar]). you will need Ned to sail the boat just take him the completed map. Ned is old captain that
can be found wandering in Draynor Village selling ropes.
- Crandor Isle - exiting the ship you must fight your way to a Stair case and get to the dragon in dungeon under the Isle.
MAP of Isle
- Arrival - the first enemy you meet is a Skeleton(lvl 31) then King Scorpions(lvl 36) after that is Hobgoblins(lvl 32)
and possibly one Lesser Demon(lvl 79) before you reach the stairs. The stairs lead to a cave with more skeletons(lvl 31) and
is connected to a hall with the door to the dragon room guarded by Skeletons(lvl 54).
- Fight - Dragon is 110 Lv. The Best tactic is the use of food and strength potion, Pray magic and Ranged are not good ideas
Due to the breath. For a 60 lv it is hard battle for 90+ it is easy
- Escape - Defeating the dragon teleports you outside the room and in the middle of the lvl 54 skeletons. Head South passed
the Lesser Demons and push the odd looking wall. You'll enter demon cave on Karamja island near the Red deadly spiders, just
leave from Karamja Port. If you brought nails and planks there is still possibility to sail back.
Reward: You can Buy "Rune platemail" and 2 or more quest points + experience (rumor 20.000 experience)