Talk with Veronica near the manor gates. She will ask you to find Ernest. Ernest is out of luck! The mad scientist transformed
him into a chicken. To help him get back you need to bring scientist some parts of machine, which gremlins hid all around
- Pressure Gauge
- It is located in the fountain in house garden.
- And you cannot get it easy because of some Piranhas which like to live there. Go to second floor and get Fish Food.
- Poisoned Fish food. Go in manor Kitchen (where witch spawn) and get poison. Use poison on fish food to make Poisoned Fish
Food. Use it on Fountain and Search the fountain.
- Rubber tubing
- is closed in closet but you need to find a key. Skeleton will not attack.
- You need Shovel. And one can be found in the exit room.
- Go in garden and find a pile of compost, Use shovel on it to get Key of closet
- Oil Can
- you need to manage 6 switches and 8 doors in the basement, remember that all data is saved individually and if you
see someone pass a door that don't mean you can pass a same door too. You will need to use some switches twice.
- Door Guide --
- Pull A.
- Pull B.
- Go NE door.
- Pull D.
- Go SW door.
- Go S door.
- Pull A.
- Pull B.
- Go NW door.
- Go W door.
- Go N door.
- Pull F.
- Pull E.
- Go E door.
- Go E door.
- Pull C.
- Go NW door.
- Go W door.
- Pull E.
- Go E door.
- Go S door.
- Go S door.
- Go W door.
. Reward: 4 quest points and 300 GP