Start: Talk to Redbeard Frank at the Port Sarim bar, next to the Battle Axe Shop. IN order to begin the quest
you need to ask him if he knows where any treasure is.
- Go To Where The Ship To Karamja Is, Get A Ticket From Captain Tobias or The Sailor. Take the boat to the
island Costs 30gp.
- Getting Rum from Isle
When You Get To The Island Go To The First Shop On The Left, Buy A Karamja Rum Costs
30gp. Go To The First Shop On The Right Now go talk to Luthas the Banana farmer. Ask him for a job and then go pick
bananas for him. When you have 10-12 bananas go to the crate outside Luthas' house. Use the bottle of rum on the crate
and this will hide the rum in the crate. Then Use the bananas on the crate till the crate is full. Now talk to Luthas
again to get your 30gp payment and ask him where the bananas are going. Talk with Customer officer and and let her search
you, as you don't have rum she will let you to board a ship back To Port Sarim, ~~If you try to take the rum
on the boat back to Port Sarim. The customs officials will confiscate the rum and you will have to buy a new one.
- Recovering Rum Bottle
~~ need a WHITE apron for next part you can find it in cloth shop in Varrock market square)
Then go to the Food store. Put on your apron and try to open the back door Wyndin will tell you that you
cant go back there but just ask him for a job. Now you can go to the back of the store. Search the crate and you will
find your bottle of rum.
- chest location
Take the rum back to Redbeard Frank in Port Sarim Bar and he will tell you to get the treasure
from a chest at the Blue Moon Inn and give you a key to that chest. Go to the Blue Moon Inn (Varrock) on the 2nd
floor there is a chest. Use the key on the chest to get a note. The note says to dig behind the south bench in the park. Meaning
the Park in Falador.
- Treasure digging
~~ For the last part a Spade is necessary. You can either buy one or get it for free
at Draynor Manor by the exit. Go to the park in Falador and Use your spade on the flowers behind the bench.
Watch out Wyson The Gardener does not like you digging up his flowers and will attack you. Once combat is over, if
he attacks, Use your spade on the flowers again and you will get the treasure!!!!
Reward: 450gp, 2 quest point, 1 cut emerald, 1 gold ring