Start: Talk to Elena in the building east from her mother and father in Ardougne.
Elena: She will tell you to talk o Jerico and to find him in the chapel near to her.
Jerico: Talk to Jerico he will tell you to talk to Omart found at the southend wall. While in Jerico's house search the
cupboard to get bird feed and then pick up a cage of messenger pigeons.
Omart: He will tell you that they need to distract the guards in the watch tower for you to get over the wall.
Watch tower: Use bird feed on the watch tower and then release the pigeons and go back to talk to Omart.
Over the wall: Once over the wall go directly north mourner quarters. Talk to the mourner there and tell him to have a
good meal. Go round the side of the quarters and pick up a rotten apple. Then put rotten apple in the cooking pot and talk
to the mourner again. He will tell you they are all sick and need a doctor.
Doctor: Go south east in the city and find the nurse Sarah. Search the cupboard there and find a doctor's gown. Put this
on and go back to talk to the mourner. Open the door and and upstairs. Kill the mourner to get a key. Use this key to open
the gate and search the crates to find Elena's distillator. Go back to soutnend wall to find Kilron and he will help you back
over the wall. Go Find Elena again.
Sample and vials: Elena tells you to go see her old mentor Guidor. He lives in south east Varrock. Take the vials and
sample but you also need to get touch-paper from the chemist in Rimmington. Do not fight anything or teleport as this will
break the vials!.
Chemist: Talk to chemist and don't talk about the plague, instead choose second option. Go outside and give Chancy the
liquid honey, Hops the sulphuric broline and Devinci the ethenea. You must walk to south east Varrock.
Varrock: Find the Tailor's fancy dress shop and buy priest robes. Go to the Dancing donkey inn to get your vials back.
Guidor Put on your priest gowns and talk to Guidor He tells you that there's no plague. Go back to Elena and she will
tell you to see the King of east Ardougne. King rewards you.
Reward: 3 quest points, thieving exp, kings lathas amulet and permission to use his training ground.