Start: Go south of Ardougne Zoo and find Lady Servil.
Lady Servil: Talk to Lady Servil and she tells you that her husband and son have been kidnapped.
How to get Khazard armour: Head due west from Lady Servil and search the cupboards in the houses there. There you will
find Khazard helmet and Khazard chainmail.
Guard: Put on Khazard armour and walk down the walkway and through the door. Talk to the guard inside and he will tell
you that he likes to drink. Go to the pub near by and talk to the barman and get Kheli Brew. Go back to the guard and give
him this. He will give you the key needed to complete the quest.
Jeremy: Go to his cell and free him. He goes to help his father in the fight arena.
Arena: Go to fight arena and help Jeremy and his father. There you will have to fight a Orge. Once you defeated the ogre
you will be locked up in a cell. Speak to Hengrad and you be returned to the fight arena. Then you will have to fight a Gaint
Scorpion. Once you defeated that, you will have to fight the Bouncer (hound). Defeat the bouncer and General Khazard will
appear and attack you. (You have two choices here. Either run and you still complete the quest or stay and defeat him.
Claiming your reward: Go back to Lady Servil and she will thank you for saving her husband and son.
Reward: 2 Quest Point, 1000 gps ,combat exp and thieving exp.