The Runescape Underworld
Prince Ali Rescue
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Difficulty- Hard

Prince Ali of Al Kharid is being held captive by the Lady Keli. If you think you're up to a daring rescue mission then go to Al Kharid and talk to Chancellor Hassan. This is a long quest with many parts! Many thanks to Rab for the many hours he spent creating it, and to Paul for configuring it for use in the game.


  • Start - First go to Al Kharid and talk to the King in the palace. He'll send you to his manager, Osman.
    Talk with Osman, and he tells you that someone has kidnapped the Prince and he wants you to rescue him. If you ask him, he will tell you all the ingredients for the quest:
    • Rope -- You can buy rope from Ned, or bring him 4 balls of wool (you'll need this for Lady Keli)
    • Wig -- You can bring Ned 3 or 4 balls of wool and he will make a wig.
    • Yellow Dye -- For this, you need two onions which you can find in the farm near the Windmill.
    • Red Berries -- You can find berries near Darkwizards in the Wood near the Stone Henge. (For Prince's makeup)
    • Water -- Get from a fountain or sink with a bucket. (For Prince's makeup)
    • Flour -- See the Bread Task for instructions on obtaining flour. (For Prince's makeup)
    • Ashes -- Make ashes by lighting a fire and letting it burn down.  (For Prince's makeup)
    • Pink Skirt -- Buy in the Varrock clothing store.
    • 3 Beers -- To get the bodyguard drunk. Find it in Barbarian Village or buy at a bar in Varrock or elsewhere.
    • Clay -- For making a key for the jail (to make it soft, add water).
    • Bronze Bar -- For making a key for the jail.
  • Next go to the Village west of Lumbridge or south of Draynor Manor. There is a new Jail there with Prince in it. Near the jail, you will find a daughter of Osman. She is a spy. She will tell you how to use the tools you've collected. Behind this little Village, you will find a Witch. She will make you a yellow dye and makeup. In the Village, you will also find Ned the Seaman, who will make you the rope and wig. The daughter of Osman will tell you about the key that you need to open the jail and rescue the Prince.
  • Talk with Lady Keli (she is in the jail ) and ask her if you can see the key. You will automatically take an imprint. Go back to the King of Osman in Al Kharid and give him the clay with print of the key. He will tell you that you need to go back to Leela (his daughter). She gives you a Bronze Key for the Jail.
  • Talk one more time with Leela. She tells you that the guard needs 3 beers. Now you
    can go and rescue the Prince. The prince needs to disguise himself in the wig, skirt and make-up.
  • Go into the jail, talk to the Lady Keli's bodyguard, and give him 3 beers. Next use the rope on Lady Keli and go into the Jail with the key. Talk with the Prince and come back to Al Kharid for your reward.

    Reward: 700gp, 3 quest points